Protect your company from social engineering attacks

Here are some ways a company can protect itself from social engineering attacks: It’s important to remember that social engineering attacks are often well-disguised and sophisticated, and attackers constantly evolve their tactics. Therefore, a multi-layered approach that includes employee awareness and training, strong technical controls, and regular security assessments is essential to protect a company … Read more

WIFI Network Security

There are several best practices to ensure the security of Wi-Fi networks. Some of the key best practices include: By implementing these best practices, you can help enhance the security of Wi-Fi networks and reduce the risk of potential security breaches or unauthorized access. It’s important to stay updated with the latest security recommendations and … Read more

The most important cyber threats

Some of the most important cyber threats that organizations and individuals face include: It’s important to note that the cyber threat landscape is constantly evolving, and new threats can emerge. Organizations and individuals need to regularly update their cybersecurity measures, implement best practices, and stay informed about the latest threats to effectively protect their systems, … Read more

Explaining the difference between an external and internal penetration test

The main difference between an external and an internal penetration test is the scope and location of the test within the target organization’s network. Both external and internal penetration tests are important for comprehensive cybersecurity assessments. External penetration tests focus on identifying vulnerabilities that could be exploited by external attackers who are trying to breach … Read more

What is a penetration test?

A penetration test, often referred to as a “pen test” or “ethical hacking,” is a type of cybersecurity assessment that involves simulating a cyber attack on a computer system, network, application, or other digital asset in order to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses that could be exploited by malicious hackers. The purpose of a penetration test … Read more

Pallas Kliniken offline wegen Cyber Angriff

Am 12. August 2021 wurden die Pallas Kliniken gemäss Medienmitteilung Opfer einer Cyber Attacke – die Systeme wurden vom Netz getrennt und die Kliniken sind aktuell nur noch telefonisch erreichbar. Gemäss Mitteilung wurde das Problem erkannt und wird zur Zeit behoben – Patientendaten seien nicht betroffen und die Betreuung der PatientInnen sei gewährleistet.

iMazing Tool erkennt Pegasus Befall auf iPhones

iMazing ist eigentlich ein Tool zum Verwalten von Inhalten auf iPhones: Musik, Photos, Nachrichten etc und kann auch zum Erstellen von Backups verwendet werden. In der aktuellen Version kann das Tool aber auch mittels eingebautem “Spyware Detector” die von Amnesty International gemeldete Version von Pegasus erkennen, es verwendet dazu die von Amnesty International zur Verfügung … Read more

Cyber Resilience

It is not enough anymore to take a defensive stance only against cyber attacks – preparations have to be done for maintaining operations and continue business services despite (successful) cyber attacks. The focus should be on the most business critical assets and ressources. Where are these, how are they protected and how are they backed … Read more

Hawkbit Ransomware in Phishing Mails

Proofpoint-Forscher haben eine neuartige, zielgerichtete E-Mail-basierte Hakbit-Lösegeldkampagne verfolgt, die sich an Organisationen in Österreich, der Schweiz und Deutschland richtet. Die Kampagne nutzte bösartige Microsoft Excel-Anhänge, die von einem kostenlosen E-Mail-Anbieter (GMX) geliefert wurden, der in erster Linie einen europäischen Kundenstamm bedient. Die Anhänge enthalten falsche Rechnungs- und Steuerrückzahlungsbetreffs, um Benutzer dazu zu verleiten, Makros zu … Read more

Hacker group announces jailbreak for iOS 11 – 13.5

Users of iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches that run on iOS 11 through 13.5 can now jailbreak their devices with new downloadable software from the hacking group Unc0ver. The jailbreak is reportedly made possible thanks to a zero-day kernel vulnerability discovered by Unc0ver hacker @Pwn20wnd. [1, 2, 3] Jailbreaks are hotly anticipated events for certain tech enthusiasts and … Read more