We also help you analyze attacks that have already taken place:
- Your website was hacked
- Google has found Malware on your website
- Your website suddenly shows error messages or other failures.
- Your website is being used for Phishing or to install viruses on visitor and user systems.
- Inexplicable mails are being sent from your website.
- You are not receiving any payment for orders.
- Data are disappearing from your website.
- Customer data from your webshop keep appearing on public servers.
- Your network has been compromised.
We offer you the following services:
- We put your website under quarantine.
- We assess the extent of the damage.
- We find for you the gap through which the hackers have penetrated.
- We help you close up this security gap or we do it for you.
- We help you prevent future attacks on your website from succeeding.
If your website is not yet affected, a security check, a security audit or a vulnerability scan will help repel hackers and prevent attacks from succeeding.
Please contact us for further information or if you have a specific request.